Helpful links
  • This is a link to the ASHA (American Speech-Language and Hearing Association) the governing force behind all Speech and Audiology.  The link will take you to a helpful site on their webpage that will list off the developmental speech norms of children which can be used to answer possible speech concerns that someone might have with their child.
  • Just found this website when I was writing a post.  Has some really useful information for people with learning disabilities.  
  • This is a helpful article that the Arizona Department of Education published called "Traveling the Special Education Highway".  It is a condensed version of special education in the school systems in Arizona.  Very helpful and its only 20 pages.
  • This is a great resource that I stumbled upon last night while looking for additional resources to help parents.  This link allows you to create an "autism team".  You can type in a name or specialty (speech pathologist, neurologist, psychologist ect.), type in a city and state and lists of providers come up.  Very useful tool because much of this information is hard to find.
  • It also has a facebook like component where you can meet other parents, post on their wall and be part of a virtual Autism community support group.
  • This is a search engine to find a Speech Language Pathologist (SLP) or Audiologist near you.  Just type in your state and zip code and a list will be generated.  Great resource! Speech services can be tricky to find on Google.

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